Thursday 30 June 2016


Over the decades, many Led Zeppelin publications have hit the shelves. From the original Howard Mylett paperback biography to Jimmy Page's Moroccan leather bound photograph collection, they've amazed and amused from one extreme to another.

Five Glorious Nights is a wonderful collection, the ultimate companion to recordings, bootlegs and memories of Led Zeppelin's 5 night stint at Earls' Court Arena in May 1975. Compiled by Dave Lewis and published as a limited numbered edition of 1,000 copies by Rufus Stone Limited, it is indeed a wonderful thing.

I've know Dave Lewis for more than 30 years, we share the same passion and we shared the same devotion bringing to life the first two UK Fan Conventions, Celebration Days in 1992 and Dancing Days in 1994.

When I heard Dave was involved in this project I knew it would be a quality, professional and enduring publication. And so it is. And much more. A hardback edition, 12" x 12",it contains 288 internal pages plus a hard cover.

The premise is to illustrate and celebrate the five SRO Led Zeppelin shows on May 17th,18th, 23rd, 24th and 25th 1975 with intuitive text, glorious photo's, bootleg sleeves, recollections from fans and media personalities of the time and much more.

If you were there, this is priceless and essential. If not, this is priceless and essential. The bottom line is, if you love Led Zeppelin, this is an absolute must have. No Question. No Quarter.

The late Howard Mylett would have loved this. Every other Led Zeppelin aficionado I've ever met would and should love this. From cover to cover we have a comprehensive look at the five shows, from set up to breakdown. There are untold classic pictures from the best photographers of the age, each given access stage front over the shows. The band hand picked 5 DJ's to introduce them over the two weekends, Bob Harris, Johnnie Walker, David 'Kid' Jensen, Nicky Horne and Alan Freeman. Legends one and all.

The story of the show unfolds through the pictures, night after night. The guitar changes, mood and lighting, the close ups and the dramatic long shots. There are some supremely classic images here.

After the gig by gig pictures, annotated with Robert's blow by blow stage banter, there's a complete list of bootlegs, posters, articles and more. A complete compendium. As I've said before, I can say no wrong about this tome. If you can afford it, it MUST be part of your collection. dig it out, play a bootleg, watch one of the Earls' Court DVD's, or just listen to some Led Zeppelin. Five Glorious Nights is a perfect accompaniment to the audio or visual thrill of Led Zeppelin.

Please check out Dave Lewis' website at 

1 comment:

  1. Bet this is a difficult one to get hold of. Must keep my eyes open for a copy!
