Thursday 30 June 2016

Welcome to TO BE A ROCK. My blog, my website. My music. Me. It's been over 40 years since I got the bug, and as yet there ain't no cure. Not that I was looking for one.
2016 has been another good year musically. The resurgence in classic rock and all forms of music from the last century continues unabated, followed in hot pursuit by the re-embracement of vinyl. Black (and sometimes coloured) gold. The sad passing of far too many of the Icons I grew up with in the past few months highlighted their importance and relevance to this day. From Lemmy to Bowie, we shall not see their likes again.
But I digress. Any of you that know me will know my passion for all things Led Zeppelin and in particular Jimmy Page. These pages and articles will explore that passion, alongside many others from artists and bands from the time, and those keeping the flame burning to this day. Young and old, established and new.

So, please enjoy and let me know. Tell me what you think, what you like, dislike. What I missed or forgot. And what you remembered because I did.

Andy Adams
July 2016.


  1. Look forward you the blog Andy!!

    1. Hi Pete, as you can see getting a few articles up and running. Hope you enjoy 'em mate!

  2. Hi Andy
    I subscribed to your EarlyDays&LatterDays fanzine 'back in the day', blimey must have been what, 20 years ago now. Anyway looking forward to reading your blog after seeing a link on the TBL website.

    1. Hi Ross
      Thanks for getting in touch. Yes, it was a lifetime ago! Hope you enjoy my blog mate, always welcome your feedback and thoughts.


