Wednesday 7 September 2016


So, Led Zeppelin had once again conquered LA. After the legendary 'Live On Blueberry Hill' show and a late night jam at the Troubadour with Fairport Convention, they readied themselves for a return to Hawaii. They had previously played on May 13th 1969 on the 2nd US Tour at the Civic Auditorium in Honolulu. Now they had upgraded to the larger International Center Arena and had 2 shows that evening, at 7.00 and 10.30pm. 

The 6th US Tour was reaching its climax now, with only the rescheduled Boston show and a double set evening at Madison Square Garden to come. The 76 odd minute tape we have surfaced in the mid 1990's and is a really nice quality audience recording. 

With only a couple of small edits it's more than likely the first set, but as there's no mention by Robert we're not 100% it's Honolulu! 

And I may be mistaken, but once again it sounds like JJ Jackson is introducing the guys once more!

What IS certain is it's Led Zeppelin in heat. Immigrant Song is once again brutal and powerful, crushing the adoring fans. They slot straight into Dazed And Confused, which again is slick and dynamic, heavier than the last show in LA. The whole sound and arrangements are very similar to the Forum show (another way to confirm the probable date). 

After Dazed Robert does indeed seem a bit confused as he introduces Heartbreaker, featuring some great crowd baiting solo licks from Jimmy. There's no Bring It On Home or acoustic set, nor any obvious cuts in the recording, making the short set idea more credible. Photo's showing an acoustic set are therefore obviously from the other show that night.

Since I've Been Loving You is sharp and dramatic, Jonesy's traditional sounding organ in juxtaposed contrast to Jimmy's fluent edgy guitar work. After a celebratory What Is And What Should Never Be, the coda boogie as always bringing the crowd to their feet, Bonzo delivers a powerful Moby Dick. Then we're into the home straight, with a strident Whole Lotta Love that rocks hard, from the Theremin maelstrom through a mutated Mess Around and a brilliant Some Other Guy and I'm Movin' On before I've Got To Find My Baby and nods at Red House and Roll 'em Pete. The climax follows quickly and Led Zeppelin have triumphed in just about 70 minutes!

Encore time is Communication Breakdown, with a funky post solo jam that gives Jonesy the chance to solo before Robert toys with the Guess Who's American Woman until Led Zeppelin return to the main theme and bring it ALL on home. A brilliant short, succinct performance. There are arguments that it could be either set. A review in the Honolulu Advertiser states the reviewer saw both shows, preferred the second (and mentioned the acoustic set in that) and that Jimmy played with the bow ONLY in the first set, so there was maybe no Dazed And Confused in the second set. 

There are lots of pictures and CD bootlegs of the circulating tape, one a pastiche of a famous Rolling Stones Hawaii bootleg cover. In Exotic Honolulu on Akashic and Box Of Tricks (a quote from Robert during the show) on Red Hot and also Tarantura are probably the best. 

There's also some very nice silent colour 8mm cine film that's been circulating for many a year. At a bit over 5 minutes it's very close and quite dark. It's mainly Robert and on the official website it's dubbed with an edited Communication Breakdown from the show. 

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