'I told Pagey one or two people would be here, but he said he doubted that very much' Robert Plant, Knebworth August 4th 1979 ...

Thursday, 19 August 2021



This book has been a long time coming. Back in the 1980's there were Robert Godwin's excellent guides and Sam Ketenjian's singles guide. Over the following decades there have been numerous articles in Goldmine, Record Collector and specialist Zeppelin magazines, namely Dave Lewis' 'Tight But Loose'. 

They have all brought new insights and in depth information to the table soo to speak, and with so many online websites, Blogs and Facebook groups an incredible amount of information has amassed as more collectors open their files, cupboards and man caves for all to see, enjoy and wonder. 

As Led Zeppelin were the undisputed Kings from the age of Vinyl, for many of us it's the most enthralling, relevant and tactile format there is to enhance and enjoy Zeppelin's music, show our personal love and devotion and homage to the band, their music and enduring legacy.

And so it's fantastic thhat someone has brought it all together. Ross has been a Zeppelin fan and collector from pretty much day one, his insightful introduction here reminisces about buying 'Blueberry Hill' from Virgin Records back in 1971 (I remember buying some very dubious 'Import' titles at their Marble Arch branch in 1977/78, Branson was bold enough to stock pretty much every Bootleg vinyl he could until industry pressure forced his towards or nearer to legitimacy) and has been picking up what he can ever since.

Adding to his collecting and love of the Band is his occupation as Top Rock Photographer and he's the perfect person to compile what is heralded on the cover as 'The Essential Collection'. The final fourth section 'Catalogue Details' had large input from two esteemed collectors - Graeme Hutchinson and Nick Anderson. On the Bootleg Vinyl side, Graeme has diligently presented an exhaustive and detailed list of LP's, Ep's, Box Sets and Acetates in chronological recording order, something I'm proud to say I was more than happy to help with over the last months. And Nick is behind the official (and sometimes semi-official!) listing of all shapes and sizes of releases, and it's a staggering and mind blowing list...

So, what we have is a 216 page, 12" x 12" hardback tome, beautifully and expertly printed by the good people at Reel Art Press to the highest standards and quality possible. And the pictures are amazing. Firstly every studio album is represented, with accurately annotated information as to country of origin, label, catalogue number etc.

Remember this is essential, NOT complete. By definition and indeed common sense, it's impossible for any such list or collection to be complete. As a great friend once said 'when you realize you can't have everything you can enjoy collecting all the more'

Because of the high quality and resolution of the pictures and illustrations we can all enjoy some of the nicest and rarest of Zeppelin collectibles, regardless of the possibility of owning them. Sharing is the key, both visually and in detail. 

There will always be more, some variations or obscure and different pressings. Hopefully this wonderful book will bring new, different items into the light as this never ending quest and journey goes on. I will close by commending Ross, Graeme and Nick alongside the publishers for a brilliant addition to the ongoing Collection that is Led Zeppelin in print.